Insomnia and acne |
Insomnia - Difficulty falling or staying asleep. Acne - Hell!
These two have been attacking me lately. And it is so frustrating! It continues to bug the hell out of me. I don't need these things in my life!!!
As I read some articles, acne or breakouts or whatever you call ZITS, are caused by so many things including lack of sleep. And insomnia is exactly that - LACK OF SLEEP. What a bad combo! I thought I already left these horrible things in the Philippines! If I can remember, it's worse than before. Now I really know what it means when you say "You can't face a problem when the problem is your face". Very funny...but true.
But I got so many things in my head right now I just need to take one at a time. With insomnia, I'll try dealing with it by changing some things...NO COFFEE and NO CAFFEINATED SODAS. I should add NO BLOGGING coz it excites me so much my desire to sleep will just disappera, but that's out of the question. I'll just have to organize my schedule more.
Now with acne, NO CHOCOLATES. Which is very fine with me. I could add NO BLOGGING, too, but then again, IT'S OUT OF THE QUESTION. |
Name: isay
Home: Somewhere, Fl, United States
About Me: Trying to get online therapy for my deepest thoughts and emotions on certain issues that affect my life, as well as the society. But generally, yeah, I am a good and a beautiful person, hehehe...
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