Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Heath Ledger, R.I.P.

With the stock market going crazily down, and gas prices skyrocketing, among other things - how can you prepare yourself when somebody tells you over the phone, "Heath Ledger is dead."

That's exactly what happened to me today at work. My husband and I were talking on the phone from when I went to work at 11am, till I left at 8pm, and in between. We've been talking about all the shit that's going on in the world - from Osama's son who's married to a 52-year old Brit, to the stock market situation, gas price hikes, etc... Can you imagine when you throw in a death news.
See, I am very Hollywood-oriented. Meaning, I am updated with Hollywood news, and the celebrities, as long as you've had a very popular movie or two, I will know you.
Anyway, when my husband called me on my last break and said Heath Ledger was dead, I couldn't hear him good. I can only clearly hear when he said the "...is dead!" part, not the name. I actually assumed it must be Britney Spears. And then he repeated it.

My reaction was -

Around the same time last year, my husband called me also, to tell me that Anna Nicole Smith died. Just last fucking year. I think it is very creepy. I told my husband never do that to me again. Fuck - it is very depressing!
To MATILDA LEDGER - You should be proud of Daddy! A legend in his own right.
HEATH, I hope you'll find the peace and joy that you may be looking for when you were with us. Whatever the reason of your untimely death, I will only remember the beautiful dimples and great acting. You will be missed! May you rest in peace!
posted by isay at 6:40 PM -
  • At 7:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So sad...@ 28? Sorry to hear this very sad news. God bless his soul!

    Condolences to the family...

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*My SanityRium*
Name: isay
Home: Somewhere, Fl, United States
About Me: Trying to get online therapy for my deepest thoughts and emotions on certain issues that affect my life, as well as the society. But generally, yeah, I am a good and a beautiful person, hehehe...
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