I was reading a book that was given to me by my husband on Xmas day 2004. I haven't really gotten any time to read it until this morning. It's entitled "The Woman's Book of Soul". I was drawn to the "Daring to Breathe" phrase. I just have too much stress right now, from the family back home, here and most especially at work. I feel like I need to do just that.
"Daring to breathe is actually daring to live. As we all know, when we cease breathing, we die. As long as we are alive, the depth of our breathing determines the amount of life we bring to ourselves." '...breathing deeply brings more energy into our bodies, which, in turn, helps clarify both our thoughts and feelings..." Those are some of the phrases I can share. I tried it and some way, I can not ever explain, my mind is somewhat at ease and I am very calm. Maybe everyone of us needs to pause and take a deep breath. I bet you, our world would be a better place to live in. |