We have been bombarded with news about this guy who has a very serious type of tuberculosis, so serious that he was put on the "Do Not Fly" List. But we all know what he did - he took flights, went from plane to another, all the way across the globe. All for what? Wedding and honeymoon. OOHHHHHHH, HOW ROMANTIC!
But what an idiot!!! He's supposed to be a lawyer, of high intelligence and common sense. Why do this? Can anybody that selfish to endanger everyone, anybody who just happened to catch a plane to visit relatives or has been working for years without vacation and finally decided to have one. And now, they were called to have tests because they might be infected?
And now, this idiot named Andrew Speaker, is
apologizing. Yehey, he's sorry!!! So will that make everything okay??? Can his sorry mend everything that he has done? For all the lives affected, can they ever return to normal?
Unfortunately, the answer is a BIG NO! And everybody who likes to travel (like me), what would you feel? How about the airlines? Airlines are just starting to do good business-wise since 911. What would happen now? And how do we know he wasn't suicidal and just wants to take everybody because he knows he's done? How do we people know this is not an act of terrorism?
Oh, he is defending his trip, all with crappy reasons, blaming the government officials for not telling him his condition is at its worst. But seriously, if the government tells you, or say advised you not to fly because of your condition, as a normal person, would you go against all odds? How about if you are a lawyer? Because personally, I would be more demanding. Ask where I stand and what would be the effect if I go and fly to Europe. Simple. This idiot just decided to go fly to Europe for a good time and to hell with everyone. I don't get it.
That is why I am so beyond myself when I talk about this idiot and what he did. There shouldn't be forgiveness at this point. It's even unfair of him to ask that. What should be done is sue his ass up. See him in court efend his lousy decision and selfishness. That's what!
Gotta say, they always have genius lawyers down south. So genius they know how to make things work for themselves. They guy should be prosecuted!