All The Scams in the World |
Now, of all the scams in the entire world, don't you think people will smarten up?
"No, they didn't"!!!
I've heard and read all types of stories about scams - on the internet, on the phone, face to face, you name it - but I've never ever known a scam to occur in my presence.
Now check this out. One of my co-workers had a customer who wanted to wire money to somebody. $3,100. We never asked questions regarding what was the money for but of course, they have to fill up a form, just, I think, to cover our asses (as a company). Anyway, a few hours after the transaction was done, the customer came rushing back to us saying she needed to stop the money transfer. Of course, it was too late. Anyway, the customer was very hysterical and so panicky that we had to calm her down. When she calmed down, that's when we heard the story.
She said somebody sent her a check for $3,000. Whoever sent it said that they need her to cash it for them and when she does, they will pay her almost triple the amount. They said for tax purposes, it's the best way that they will get somebody to cash the check. So the lady took the check to the bank, deposited it and immediately took out $3,100 and sent the amount back through wire transfer. But when she finished sending the money, her bank called her and said the check bounced. She was screwed! And to think she didn't even have a thousand in her bank account! I've done money transfers so many times before and I know for a fact that if it's a scam, they have to accomplish it within 10 minutes to have the money securely transfered to them and then disappear. It has to be so fast that before you know it, you're money's way gone.
I don't know what to feel. Should I pity them? Should I say learn your lesson and work? Seriously,most of the people who fall for this crap don't even work or if they do, don't pay them good. It's a human kind of vulnerability. If you are not secure in life, you tend to be swayed so fast to whatever things a crook will say. All of a sudden, you're hearing nice things, perfect things promised to you. As they say, if it's too good to be true, it maybe is.
People, please open your eyes! Don't let these bastards get you! Watch TV, go to the internet - do research. Most of all, use your common sense! Don't you think if these things they promise you are true, we would have people living in poverty right now? Get it right and don't get scammed! |
Name: isay
Home: Somewhere, Fl, United States
About Me: Trying to get online therapy for my deepest thoughts and emotions on certain issues that affect my life, as well as the society. But generally, yeah, I am a good and a beautiful person, hehehe...
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