Saturday, June 09, 2007
Poor Paris Hilton - sue them!!!

As much as I hate her, I feel so bad for her. To be rich and famous is indeed, not easy. If you put yourself in a bad situation, you're screwed! I will say she deserved what happened to her, but that was before this whole debacle where she was set free, only to find out she had to go back to prison.

Is this how justice is in America? Sure, it was not the Sheriff's call to free her, but the judge's. But did she have to be punished because of their mistakes? First of all, that Sheriff guy has to go. But I think, in normal circumstances, Paris should have been freed. That's the least the government can do for dragging her all over the place, for the entire world to see. For Christ's sake, she's not a murderer!

And for Judge Sauer, just get over it! Your a judge, yes, but you're acting like somebody took away your lollipop! I hate hypocrites! Admit your just playacting so you'll look good for those majority of American people who are hypocrites!

Paris should be treated like a normal person, no more, no less. As I said, I am not a fan, but I am so sick of these people trying to be sooo right about this thing. Paris should sue the government for making her hope for freedom, only to snatch it away.

That's right, Hiltons sue their asses out!
posted by isay at 8:03 AM -
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