Freakin' Dunkin |
I had a headache this morning. Thanks for Mr. Advil - he took it away, fast...
Anyway, today's a good day coz me and my hubby are both off from work...Woohoooo! So we'll be doing a lot of things. Actually, we already did a bunch of things. I picked up my million-dollar paycheck (I wish!), as well as grocery shop for some stuff we ran out of. My darling husband, on the other hand, went to Dunkin' Donuts and did us both a favor by buying 2 cups of coffee. But I'm still pissed with the coffee, though. The freakin' Dunkin' Donuts guy didn't put sugar in any of the cups! Just when I thought we're having a great day, right? The lazy bastard didn't do his job! I mean, how hard could it be? If you do it everyday, why, of all the things, forget putting in some freakin' sugar?
Oh well, what can you do? Lazy and incompentent people just irk me so much. But today, I'll try not to think about them and just have fun in my day off.
We'll probably watch a movie this afternoon...we're trying to choose between You, Me and Dupree and The Little Man ( not sure if the title is correct). I'm sure we'll figure it out before we go.
For now, hasta la vista, baby!!! |
Name: isay
Home: Somewhere, Fl, United States
About Me: Trying to get online therapy for my deepest thoughts and emotions on certain issues that affect my life, as well as the society. But generally, yeah, I am a good and a beautiful person, hehehe...
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