Being calm about everything |
The best thing I learned yesterday at work, was to be calm about everything, in all occassions. I dealt with so much shit with customers and they were not good. Customers have this concept that they are right at all times. But that's ridiculous! Even a kid can say that.
Anyway, when you work in retail, you encounter people who want almost everything for free. Which is not right and just a wishful thinking. So, having them cursing you and the company you work for is a norm. I used to freak out before and allow those creeps ruin my day at work as well as at home. And it sucks. My husband and friends say that I am too sensitive. And I agree. It doesn't mean I like it, though. A sensitive person, for me, is a weak person.
And I am not.
Well, let's say, I am still improving myself on that department. At work, I try to become tough and almost blank my face out when I deal with customers, especially those crazy ones.
Again, the important thing I found out is that you have to be calm in dealing with these things. That way, you will gain respect from the customers. When they see you not freaking out, they know that they can't just intimidate you and favor their demands. And most importantly, when you are calm, you will see the situation clearly and decide by your own judgment, not by the customers or even your co-workers. |
Name: isay
Home: Somewhere, Fl, United States
About Me: Trying to get online therapy for my deepest thoughts and emotions on certain issues that affect my life, as well as the society. But generally, yeah, I am a good and a beautiful person, hehehe...
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