Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Some people just never cease to amaze me
This world is getting crazier every second of everyday. People don't help, either.

I don't even wanna elaborate on this but just observe the people around you. I'll mention some examples and let's see if these things happened to you.

  • In a grocery store, when you shop, how many people put their carts in the middle of the aisle, blocking everyone but themselves?
  • In a coffee shop or some restaurants, when you have to fall in line, how many people do you see who can't make up their minds on what they want to buy and hold everybody up, thus, causing a very long line? Or worse, they want to have taste of everything the store can offer?
  • On the road, how many people do you see reading books, or talking to the phone while driving?

Do I need to continue? I guess not. You see the picture. If it's not YOU that I am talking about, that is. I am sure if it is YOU that I am talking about, you wouldn't even fucking know.

These people are so fucking full of themselves and they're so totally unreal! WAKE THE FUCK UP! Everyday in my life, I seem to be unlucky enough to encounter these type of people. So ridiculously unbelievable!!!

And I am not trying to be funny, either. Our world is getting crazy, as I said. Please, don't add up to it.

posted by isay at 2:02 AM -
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*My SanityRium*
Name: isay
Home: Somewhere, Fl, United States
About Me: Trying to get online therapy for my deepest thoughts and emotions on certain issues that affect my life, as well as the society. But generally, yeah, I am a good and a beautiful person, hehehe...
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