Patience Pays Off |
Yeah, I would say it's true. My husband and I just came back from the Social Security office and Drivers License Office. We thought we wouldn't be done by today but we did! Actually, by 10:30am we were done with everything. BTW, I just needed to change my last name coz when my greencard arrived, my name was changed there. So everything else has to follow with that new name. I was told we got to change my SS and DL so there will be no problems with taxes next year. So we did them today, coz both of us are off.
It was a good experience, we woke up very early and went to the Social Security Office first. We are number 9!!! Everything was fast, too! Except for the fact that I forgot he original copy of my marriage certificate. Oh boy!!! I thought the lady was going to send us home wiithout approving anything. I got lucky because she was so nice but she gave me a lecturing though, which was not a bad bargain.
When we were done, outside the parking lot, my husband did some lecturing, too, as well as me lecturing myself. I should have known better. These offices don't care about us. They just want to follow the rules and policies and if you take a chance of not bringing everything for the appointment, then, you have to go home. Empty-handed.
The next stop was the Driver's License Office. I got lucky too because when I came in, there wasn't too many people. Just a few. I was 7 numbers away from what they are servicing. But, then again, they didn't take credit or debit cards. So, I have to call my husband again and tell him he needs to bring me the check. Oh my God! I really thought I'm gonna run out of luck. But no, I got lucky husband arrived just on time. And, he wasn't mad. That was a big luck there!!!
All these entire experience, we were very patient with system and the idiot people who were there as well, waiting. You know when you're in this type of place you just want to scream at everybody. But there was none of that with me or my husband. So that really paid off and now, I am just waiting for my SSN card and new Drivers License. I am so lucky!!! |
Asian generalization |
It is so funny how people generalize people from Asia by calling them "Japanese", "Vietnamese" or "Chinese". Well, it is actually not funny. For me, everytime these people describe me as "...that Japanese or Vietnamese girl" don't know anything. It is such an insult. It sounds shallow to even write about this but I came from a place where people value their roots and culture. At least before you say "...that Japanese girl", ask first. I am FILIPINO!!! I'm from the Philippines.
Oh well, that's how I feel. I just had an encounter with this at work and I am glad I clarified those people about the misundertanding and told them I would appreciate it if they will ask first before concluding anything. I wouldn't mind being described as Chinese, for I am 1/4 Chinese. I am sure if a Japanese girl crosses your path and told her automatically about how you spent your vacation in Beijing, you would say, "wtf?". Or you know Japanese language and automatically talked Japanese to a Vietnamese girl. It would be very embarassing and very insulting.
The point I am trying to make is at least ask first. |
Stress in, Stress out |
I was reading a book that was given to me by my husband on Xmas day 2004. I haven't really gotten any time to read it until this morning. It's entitled "The Woman's Book of Soul". I was drawn to the "Daring to Breathe" phrase. I just have too much stress right now, from the family back home, here and most especially at work. I feel like I need to do just that.
"Daring to breathe is actually daring to live. As we all know, when we cease breathing, we die. As long as we are alive, the depth of our breathing determines the amount of life we bring to ourselves." '...breathing deeply brings more energy into our bodies, which, in turn, helps clarify both our thoughts and feelings..." Those are some of the phrases I can share. I tried it and some way, I can not ever explain, my mind is somewhat at ease and I am very calm. Maybe everyone of us needs to pause and take a deep breath. I bet you, our world would be a better place to live in. |
BTW, I just got my period!!!
Thanks for the prayers! Now, off to work!!! |
Congrats to Nicole and Keith!!! |
Although I am not a fan of Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban, I am a fan of the entire bruhaha of show business. I've always been. Even back home. And a wedding of two celebrities? Of course! But I don't want to exagge on this. I just wanna say CONGRATULATIONS to them and I hope that they will have many, many happy years to come and that they signed a prenup. You know how it is. |
I am soo depressed! |
I miss my family in the PI! I wish I can go home now and then take my family to the US when I come back. But that's wishful thinking. I know. That's why I am so depressed. I feel so down and my hands are tied.
Another thing, my sister is pushing me to get her a job here in the US as a nursing assistant. It bugs the hell out of me because it is not easy and she thinks it is. It takes a lot of research and patience. I really hope that I can do this thing for her. But as I said, it is not easy. No wonder I can not sleep at night, right? I got so much sh*t. My period's not coming yet and I am expecting it this week. I am very nervous because what if it won't come? What now? My husband and I are not yet ready to start a family. I am not ready for kids yet. I hope that my period's gonna start dropping anytime soon. I really need it! Help me pray! |
Insomnia and acne |
Insomnia - Difficulty falling or staying asleep. Acne - Hell!
These two have been attacking me lately. And it is so frustrating! It continues to bug the hell out of me. I don't need these things in my life!!!
As I read some articles, acne or breakouts or whatever you call ZITS, are caused by so many things including lack of sleep. And insomnia is exactly that - LACK OF SLEEP. What a bad combo! I thought I already left these horrible things in the Philippines! If I can remember, it's worse than before. Now I really know what it means when you say "You can't face a problem when the problem is your face". Very funny...but true.
But I got so many things in my head right now I just need to take one at a time. With insomnia, I'll try dealing with it by changing some things...NO COFFEE and NO CAFFEINATED SODAS. I should add NO BLOGGING coz it excites me so much my desire to sleep will just disappera, but that's out of the question. I'll just have to organize my schedule more.
Now with acne, NO CHOCOLATES. Which is very fine with me. I could add NO BLOGGING, too, but then again, IT'S OUT OF THE QUESTION. |
Before anything else... |
I got my freakin' greencard!!! How great is that? I was just bitching about how it was missing in action and then...BAMM!!! I have it in my hands now! Hep hep...Hurray! Back to action, yeah, I had a horrible day at work yesterday. I worked 3pm-11pm. Just horrible. Not even my greencard photo can make me smile yesterday. Wally is a freakin' crazy place on weekends. What's more, crazy people seem to decide they get together on that same horrible day. Anyway, just finished talking to my hubby. It's 6:03am now, just chillin' while waiting for 6:30 to take my pills and then I'll go back to bed. That's part of my routine. My husband has a very crazy work schedule, as crazy as the working place is (USPS). Sometimes he works at 3am and so I have to wake up at 2am to get everything done. So, I am really tired sometimes. Just like now. I wanna sleep...I'm falling Zzzzzzzzzzzzz..... |
This is my Life |
My name is Isay. I live here in the US. But I hail from the so over there, beautiful country called Philippines. I am married. Wife to a very adorable and complicated man. An American man. And...we live here in the US.
Those are pretty much the basics. The rest, you will find out as we go along. I will be telling you things about me, my life, my opinions on things and discuss things that matter. |
Name: isay
Home: Somewhere, Fl, United States
About Me: Trying to get online therapy for my deepest thoughts and emotions on certain issues that affect my life, as well as the society. But generally, yeah, I am a good and a beautiful person, hehehe...
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Brushes by Gvalkyrie