Laci Peterson - Part II |
These days, it is so sad to think that when a person is missing, we assume the worst thing that could happen.
One thing I can say, if I am a close relative to this pretty woman, Jesse Davis, they would have to arrest me for murdering the murderer. Because right from the beginning, when they reported her missing, I was already thinking about what happened to Laci Peterson and that piece of shit Scott. Maybe the husband killed her? At that time, I though Jesse was married. and then I found out she's not. So of course, it has to be the BF.
Now this boyfriend of hers, Bobby Cutts Jr. , looks like a piece of shit, as well. I bet he thinks he's the handsomest man on earth and he can't be bothered by another baby. Man, can't you just break it up with her, pay child support, and then move on with your lives. Or if that's what bothering you, then go to Iraq or something. That way, you can keep your distance, at the same time, help our troops. But of course, a piece of shit like you would choose the easiest and stupidest route. Man, you just don't kill people like that!
Photo from ABC News |
My co-worker was robbed! |
The other night one of my elder co-workers was robbed at the parking lot, right after his shift. Yeah, so much for safety and peace of mind at work. These thugs didn't only rob $500.00 off an old man, but also robbed those who knew what happened the sense of confidence that nothing bad happens when you go out to your car. It is such a shame how cowards are operating now...targeting old helpless people.
For what had happened, well, my co-worker apparently withdrew some money from the ATM before he left work. Some coward bastards, probably, were watching and followed him to his car.
I was only robbed twice, but I tell you, once was enough! That's when you really realize how precious life is, more than cash and jewelry. And as far as I can remember, the robberies in my life (starring ME as the victim), occured when I was in a big crowd, and when I was almost alone, walking along a sidewalk. Well, twice robbed, lessons have been learned, believe me. |
Reasons I hate living in Florida |
- TRAFFIC. Everywhere. Roads are just poorly planned, it is so ridiculous! I-4 is like a meeting place for every kind of vehicle, from wherever part of the country.
- PEOPLE. From the regular residents to the politicians - the same - they don't give a fuck. I think people who lives here in Florida are bunch of retards. Politically uninvolved, and as dumb as hell. What's more, majority of these people are just plain mean. You could tell their lives are miserable.
- NEWSPAPER. Orlando Sentinel just plainly sucks! We only buy it during Sundays, for one and only reason - COUPONS. They just don't have anything to write worth my time.
- LOCAL NEWS CHANNELS. Boring! Some are plainly boring, and some are trying-hard copycats. The only reason I watch one of those channels is the weather. And that's a given. I just flip through them and whoever says the weather first, that's where I watch. And then after that - OFF.
I have so much on my mind to say to point out as reasons, but sometimes they overwhelm me so much I forget. It is so frustrating how these things affect a person's quality of life. We can't wait to get the hell out of here! Believe me, the SUN is not worth it! |
All The Scams in the World |
Now, of all the scams in the entire world, don't you think people will smarten up?
"No, they didn't"!!!
I've heard and read all types of stories about scams - on the internet, on the phone, face to face, you name it - but I've never ever known a scam to occur in my presence.
Now check this out. One of my co-workers had a customer who wanted to wire money to somebody. $3,100. We never asked questions regarding what was the money for but of course, they have to fill up a form, just, I think, to cover our asses (as a company). Anyway, a few hours after the transaction was done, the customer came rushing back to us saying she needed to stop the money transfer. Of course, it was too late. Anyway, the customer was very hysterical and so panicky that we had to calm her down. When she calmed down, that's when we heard the story.
She said somebody sent her a check for $3,000. Whoever sent it said that they need her to cash it for them and when she does, they will pay her almost triple the amount. They said for tax purposes, it's the best way that they will get somebody to cash the check. So the lady took the check to the bank, deposited it and immediately took out $3,100 and sent the amount back through wire transfer. But when she finished sending the money, her bank called her and said the check bounced. She was screwed! And to think she didn't even have a thousand in her bank account! I've done money transfers so many times before and I know for a fact that if it's a scam, they have to accomplish it within 10 minutes to have the money securely transfered to them and then disappear. It has to be so fast that before you know it, you're money's way gone.
I don't know what to feel. Should I pity them? Should I say learn your lesson and work? Seriously,most of the people who fall for this crap don't even work or if they do, don't pay them good. It's a human kind of vulnerability. If you are not secure in life, you tend to be swayed so fast to whatever things a crook will say. All of a sudden, you're hearing nice things, perfect things promised to you. As they say, if it's too good to be true, it maybe is.
People, please open your eyes! Don't let these bastards get you! Watch TV, go to the internet - do research. Most of all, use your common sense! Don't you think if these things they promise you are true, we would have people living in poverty right now? Get it right and don't get scammed! |
Poor Paris Hilton - sue them!!! |

As much as I hate her, I feel so bad for her. To be rich and famous is indeed, not easy. If you put yourself in a bad situation, you're screwed! I will say she deserved what happened to her, but that was before this whole debacle where she was set free, only to find out she had to go back to prison.
Is this how justice is in America? Sure, it was not the Sheriff's call to free her, but the judge's. But did she have to be punished because of their mistakes? First of all, that Sheriff guy has to go. But I think, in normal circumstances, Paris should have been freed. That's the least the government can do for dragging her all over the place, for the entire world to see. For Christ's sake, she's not a murderer!
And for Judge Sauer, just get over it! Your a judge, yes, but you're acting like somebody took away your lollipop! I hate hypocrites! Admit your just playacting so you'll look good for those majority of American people who are hypocrites!
Paris should be treated like a normal person, no more, no less. As I said, I am not a fan, but I am so sick of these people trying to be sooo right about this thing. Paris should sue the government for making her hope for freedom, only to snatch it away.
That's right, Hiltons sue their asses out! |
How selfish can a person get? |
I always am very loyal and trusting to the people I like, most of all, my friends and loved ones. Well at work, I have a lot of friends but seldom I trust them with anything except for one person. And that is one of my direct supervisors, Miss Cindy.
I've known she's been through a lot, with her husband bedridden and a very sickly daughter. Her daughter would have these convulsions that it is so ridiculously unfair to happen for such a beautiful girl, who's got so much potential. Despite all of these, you could never see in Miss Cindy any signs of stress and sadness. She would be joking around and laugh a lot.
Recently, she took her daughter for a surgery to make her life easierl. All I know, it was very successful. I was so happy for them!
Then a couple of days ago I was told by Miss Cindy that last springbreak, her daughter eloped. I was just so dumbfounded I couldn't say anything for a while. Especially the way she talked about it, you would think she was just joking. But yes, she said, she and her bf eloped and got married.
What an ungrateful bitch! Her mother just went through a lot of stuff. She always was there for her daughter for 18 years of her life, convulsions and all, and then when Miss Cindy had the chance to enjoy life after her daughter's surgery, she left. It might be part of modern american culture but I just don't get it. The least that she could've done is go to college, get a degree and help out her mom for a while before settling down herself.
Miss Cindy is such a sweet person and I know she deserves happiness and right now, she's a hurt. Covering it, as usual, with her laughs and grins. I really hope that someday, her daughter realize what she just did. She'll have her own kids.
As they say, you'll get what you invested in this life. For both the mother and daughter, I wish them all the luck. And hopefully time will heal all the wounds for them. |
TB guy Speaker speaks - asks for forgiveness |
Andrew Speaker speaks. (photo from aol news)We have been bombarded with news about this guy who has a very serious type of tuberculosis, so serious that he was put on the "Do Not Fly" List. But we all know what he did - he took flights, went from plane to another, all the way across the globe. All for what? Wedding and honeymoon. OOHHHHHHH, HOW ROMANTIC! But what an idiot!!! He's supposed to be a lawyer, of high intelligence and common sense. Why do this? Can anybody that selfish to endanger everyone, anybody who just happened to catch a plane to visit relatives or has been working for years without vacation and finally decided to have one. And now, they were called to have tests because they might be infected? And now, this idiot named Andrew Speaker, is apologizing. Yehey, he's sorry!!! So will that make everything okay??? Can his sorry mend everything that he has done? For all the lives affected, can they ever return to normal? Unfortunately, the answer is a BIG NO! And everybody who likes to travel (like me), what would you feel? How about the airlines? Airlines are just starting to do good business-wise since 911. What would happen now? And how do we know he wasn't suicidal and just wants to take everybody because he knows he's done? How do we people know this is not an act of terrorism? Oh, he is defending his trip, all with crappy reasons, blaming the government officials for not telling him his condition is at its worst. But seriously, if the government tells you, or say advised you not to fly because of your condition, as a normal person, would you go against all odds? How about if you are a lawyer? Because personally, I would be more demanding. Ask where I stand and what would be the effect if I go and fly to Europe. Simple. This idiot just decided to go fly to Europe for a good time and to hell with everyone. I don't get it. That is why I am so beyond myself when I talk about this idiot and what he did. There shouldn't be forgiveness at this point. It's even unfair of him to ask that. What should be done is sue his ass up. See him in court efend his lousy decision and selfishness. That's what! |
Name: isay
Home: Somewhere, Fl, United States
About Me: Trying to get online therapy for my deepest thoughts and emotions on certain issues that affect my life, as well as the society. But generally, yeah, I am a good and a beautiful person, hehehe...
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