A month ago, I got leid!!! |
Yep, the spelling is correct! I gote LEID!!!
As I told you, me and my husband went to a Hawaiin Cruise a months ago. And somebody put a lei around my neck. Although that's way over and done - the experience is still in my head. Now that I thoroughly think about it, the cruise itself was just a so-so. Not that I have a lot to compare it with, since this that was my first time, but believe me, I didn't really enjoy that much as I expected. Even my husband said so and he's been to a lot of places already.
Hawaii is a very beautiful place! I've never seen a spectacular place like that in my life - not that I've been to a lot of places - but I know everyone will agree with me! It's just exceptionally gorgeous!!! Maybe we should have just concentrated on one island, Maui or Kauia, and then spent one week there. Now, that would've been awesome! You got to roam around the island, and not always in a hurry coz the freakin' ship might leave you, you know. Souvenirs were everywhere but, very expensive, as well. You can't really go too far from the pier. It's like you have a curfew time burning up your ass.
Anyways, most people that were in the cruise with us were old people. So the entertainment was pretty much geared towards their taste - which was not Bob and mine. The food? So-so...I could get taste that from some Chinese Buffet Restaurant somewhere here in Florida, where I only have ONE favorite chinese restaurant buffet place.
One more thing, when you go to a far place fo a cruise like Hawaii, it is best to go there 2 days or a day, at least, before the departure. You're going to be in great spirits doing that! With us, we flew to Hawaii the same day we're departing the port...crazyy!!!
But anyways, another lesson learned. At least, we got away from the regularities of life that we have when we're working or just plainly staying at home, looking up at the ceiling, waiting for lizards to fall (no lizards in the house)...
But, I am back now! Since coming back from the vacation, we've been so busy with the house, everything, actually so I haven't been writing on my blog. But, I am back... |
Name: isay
Home: Somewhere, Fl, United States
About Me: Trying to get online therapy for my deepest thoughts and emotions on certain issues that affect my life, as well as the society. But generally, yeah, I am a good and a beautiful person, hehehe...
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