Live from Maui, Hawaii |
Yoohhooo! I am in Maui, Hawaii as we speak, and will probably be here for at least another 10 hours. For all of you who don't know and don't care, Bob and I are in our fourth day aboard Pride of Hawaii Cruiseship. And since we are in a ship, you can say we are not really in Maui per se, we are just parked or in this case, docked in a pier. Please laugh, I just wanna share my good mood today.
Today, though, we will be going to kayak and snorkel. We already did volcano tours as well as spending a day at Kanapali beach. To be honest, both excursions had been very disappointing. That's why I am looking forward to today's activities.
Well, I will update you more as we go along. The only thing that sucks here is that you have to pay $55 for 100 minutes of internet use. But, hey, it's in the ship. Expensive still
Okay, mahalo for now!!! Mwahh!!! |
Bullying at work |
I am a victim! Well, I think I am, anyway. I just haven't experienced bullying when I was in school so I won't know what it feels like. But, now that I really read and thought about it, I think I am a victim of bullies.
No offense, but my co-workers, the black ones, seem to embarrass me in front of customers. They tell me to do this and that, sometimes hit me, not really hit hard, but enough to make me think of their actions. And, it happens a lot, too. The thing that I really hate is that when they tell me what to do. I just hate it. Also, when I clean up, they are always in my ass telling me to stop what I was doing and help them instead.
One time, I asked one of them why they're doing it to me and she said they like me. I said, if you like me, are you supposed to hit me? She said to grow up.
As I said, no offense, but these co-workers who are doing this to me are black people. I am in no way a racist but nobody at work treats me like they do. They say they are just joking with but I don't feel that way. I even have an older lady that they call grandma all the time, in front of other people. Which is very wrong.
I know I am a nice person. That's why I have a lot of friends. I figured they're probably jealous of me because of that. I don't want them to get fired by telling our managers about what's going on because I know they depend on their checks. So, what I have been doing is just ignore them as much as possible and constantly telling them in the face that I don't appreciate them "joking with me". So far, it works. |
This is it! |
My last day at work before our Hawaiin Cruise! Yippeeee!!!
It better be busy at work or I will be really pissed. I am kicking wih excitement! There are so many things to pack, so many things to do so everything will be perfect berfore we live. And I heard that there's a hurricane coming so I have to think of that shit, too. We have to put up our tables and chairs in the patios just in case it'll come straight through Florida (where we're at). As my husband said, as long as we paid our Homeowners Insurance, there's nothing to worry about.
The birds are gonna be taking care of. Stuff (cockatiel) will HOME ALONE, since he is very independen. Rio (annoying macaw) has to go to SUMMER CAMP, hehehe. I bet when he comes home, he'll be all quiet and behaved.
Oh well, better start going. Have to work 9-6 today. In normal days, I am ecstatic to have that schedule. But since there's nothing normal lately, it sucks. It's better not to work at all. But, hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. Right, SAM? |
Justin Timberlake is a piece of shit! |
Sorry, I just have to say it! I once was a fan, not a hardcore, but a fan who admired his music and his talent. And he was lovey-dovey to Britney Spears. They were cute as a couple.
But when they broke up, well, I was still a fan. And then he threw cheap shots at the poor little girl Britney Spears, making a music video of her cheating on him, whatever...I was like, WTF? He was so adamant about their relationship's privacy and when they broke up, he was opening his mouth and saying embarrassing things a real man shouldn't. Well, I would say good for Britney Spears! God spared her a dick of a boy.
That album he was releasing at the time of their breakup sold million of dollars. Made him rich, made him able to hang out with an older actress, who seems to not get enough of toy boys. Anyway, after that album's success, he kept his mouth shut and for a few years, he was out of the limelight.
Now, he's back again. Another album. Another cheap shota at Britney Spears or Taylor Hicks. I think, that's the best way to go, ha? Throwing shit at famous people to share their success. He was quoted saying he loved Britney, whatever, and then he said as a writer, it would be very hard not to say shit about her.
Stop it, man! I thought you grew up already, with an old lady Cameron beside you, what happened? Since you went solo, you've been using people to sell your stuff. A true artist uses his music to sell itself. For once in your life, keep your mouth shut and let your music do its job. This new single that you got, I admit it sucks, well, that's yours, so just stick with it.
Now, I wasn't supposed to talk about this crap of a person but he got me so pissed off I just have to. I hope his album won't sell as much as he expected. Then, he will think next time about his actions. |
Regrets, regrets, regrets.... |
Today, I am going to work at 7am. Originally, I was scheduled to come in at 11am but I wanna leave home early for some errands so I switched with Anita (co-worker), which seemed to be very reluctant, but she agreed anyway. I gues I have a good way of persuasion, hehehe...
Anyway, I am regretting it. To hell with the errands! My left leg hurts and I am having my period! I am absolutely aching all over the place and all I wanna do right now, (4:50am EST), is just lay down and go back to sleep or whatever, not go to work THAT early. But, there's nothing I can do. All I have to do is think how great it would be to go home at 4pm! And I guess, it is great...oh well!
BTW, I am glad that my period is here! That means I won't be carrying sanitary pads to Hawaii!!! I would hate it too, if I can't wear my new bikinis. I specifically exerted a lot of effort and time finding them at a very cheap price.
YOOOHHHOOOOOO!!! Now, that's a relief! |
I gotta say... |
That John Mark Karr guy is creepy. He's got a nice name (same as my ex-bf's), but he's just too creepy to believe on what he was saying. But then again, who really knows, right? Nobody was there when JonBenet was murdered in her own house. Not even the parents...on a Christmas holidays at that. What I think is that, at this point, this guy is lying. For whatever reasons...obssession, or he's just a pervert.
All I know is that I am deeply touched by the videos, photos of JonBenet, her smile and charisma. Not an obssession...I just feel so sad that a life of an innocent child was taken away by somebody who's got a twisted mind and too coward to show up and face the consequences. It's been a decade of waiting. It's such a shame.
This goes out to the parents --- I can still see kids get lost in a store. Kids crying coz they couldn't find their parents. Please, look after your kids! They are your responsibility. Everytime I see missing kids on posters or in the news, I cannot help but be sad and mad. We know a lot of perverts are on the loose but some parents still don't get it! They still let their kids ride a bike or walk alone. We have to help each other on this. And it definitely starts with the parents. |
Kinda tired | I'm just gonna say hi to everyone. Our birds Rio (macaw) and Stuff (cockatiel) have been bugging the hell out of me. Perhaps it's because it is very gloomy outside and they can feel the quietness so they wanna party and scream.
Oh well, gotta go and pay attention to them. Hopefully tomorrow I won't be too tired writing about something worthwhile. I am afraid my brain is somewhat very lazy lately.
Talk later!!! |
A Day Started Badly |
Yes, and that's today. Sunday, of all the freakin' days! I am supposed to be having fun coz I am off today!
That's why it's creepy sometimes when you are having a great time. You kinda think everything's too good to be true and sure enough, the next thing you know, you are having a shit of a day.
Last night, I went home from work at 10pm. Me and my husband decided to watch Talladega Nights at 12:20AM showing in a very creepy movie theatre. I would love to go to AMC but they only have Snakes showing. I hate horror movies and it's not an option at all. Weird movie theatre but I think I had a great time watching Will Ferrell do his thing. I could tell that Bobby was having a great time, too. It's always great to do things without thinking about work the next day.
But today, when I woke up, Bobby (my hubby) was acting weird. So quiet and not communicative at all. It is exactly this mood of his that I hate so much. It's been a long time since he had this foul mood that I forgot how frustrating it can be. I do not know how to deal with it, that's why. Even now, after 2 years of marriage.
Anyways, I am just gonna do my thing and try to enjoy my day off. I'll be working 4 days straight after today so I just have to get the best out of it. I love my husband, make no mistake. I know this will just pass, as it always does. |
Dealing with waiting |
Today, my schedule sucks 1pm-10pm. In a place where I work, it's definitely the worst place to be in on weekends.
Recently, I haven't been writing regularly. I say it is because I have been so low that nothing comes to mind to write. My vacation is almost here and the days have been incredibly slow. Bob (my husband), has been asking me if I am okay. I'd always say yes but heknows me better.
So, yesterday, he asked me if I can take it. I was wondering what he was talking about and he said, if I can take the wait. He was so afraid I'll go into my depression because I can not handle it. I was like, of course, I can. Why not?
But, I had to rethink. I realize I do not really know. I am going crazy!!!
What I am just doing is try my best to work everyday, take it day at a time. I am feeling better. Yes, but still hoping that the days will help me on this.
To the days - can you make it faster, please? |
I am a very proud sister |

It feels like forever since I saw my family in the Philippines. I miss them all so much!
Anyway, my little sister (shown on the left), who used to be so quiet, is actually doing some modeling stuff back home. And right now, she is a semi-finalist for a local Photo Studio's Search for Miss Photogenic!
She's gone way far from the shy kid that she was. I even feel like I don't know her anymore. When we talk on the phone, she's so in command now. Not just that kid who always listen and never talks. Not that I complain. And I couldn't even be more prouder.
FYI, this is photo is taken from one of her photo shoot sessions. |
What some teachers do that is disgusting |
Do you have kids who go to school?
If you do, keep an open eye on their activities, especially if it involves buying gifts for teachers for their birthdays, anniversaries, etc... It is just not right for some of them to accept your kids' well thought-of gifts to be returned for a money refund.
I work in a customer service desk, doing returns and anything you can think of just to satisfy customers. I met so many jerks and handled the worst of a kind, but nothing disgusts me more than a teacher returning items, like cards with her name on it, teddy bears, with her name on it, and so on, with her name on it. And worse, she was so happy to tell me, too, that she doesn't have any use of them so she's just gonna get money for them. When we don't give cash back, they create a scene so bad you want to strangle them. I was so shocked that a person can do such a thing, without emotions showing that they even liked those gifts.
Doesn't that disgust you, too? I discussed it with my husband and he reasoned out that it is a result of low wages for them teachers. I said, then get out of that job! Get another one that will satisfy you! As a teacher, I am sure you'll get another job that pays well! Just don't use kids like that.
Poor kids. The only thing that I regret the most was that I wasn't able to get her name and the school where she teaches. My co-worker told me that when I was off, she came back and returned some more items. She failed to get the name, too.
The only reason I write about this is that it really disturbs me. I am not generalizing. I know a lot of teachers who are very dedicated, as well. |
The Manchurian Candidate (2004) |
I might be too late in talking about the movie, "The Manchurian Candidate", the one with Denzel Washington (2004), but I don't give a hoot! That movie stayed in my head after I watched it a couple of days ago. It was wonderfully done! Now I regret not watching it in a movie theatre. All the characters were played so good.
Denzel Washington is, as usual, in his superb self as Mjr. Bennett Marco. Meryl Streep, God, I hate that bitch! She looks like an angel but, goshdarnit, she can be the devil himself! Leiv Whatshisname....I know his gf is Naomi Watts...he is very good, too! He is definitely growing on me.
Anyway, it is a shame it didn't create that much buzz during its showing. Or if it did, I don't know, I was probably in the moon coz I don't remember. I know it is a remake, the older one being starred by Frank Sinatra, but I haven't seen that older so can't really compare. But pretty much, the one deserves an entry in my blog. |
An hour to go to work and the terror plot |
Yep, I got an hour before going to work! I'd better hurry up!
Well, I just wanna say to whoever masterminded that terror plot, YOU WILL GOT TO HELL! And to the people in the entire world, let us remain strong and not let these creeps run our lives. That's what they're trying to do! If it helps, do not watch those stupid news on TV or listen to them in radios. All they bring are bad news, if not stupid ones.
I am just so crazily mad at these terrorists who had nothing better to do. Sick, twisted, evil, etc...all those type of things.
You know what they make me wish? I wish I am a superhero. I would personally see to it that their asses are wiped off of this earth. And, I would deliver Osama bin Laden straight to hell. How does that sound?
Oh well, gotta go or I'll be late. Talk to you guys soon! |
It's another better be good! |
Another day to endure. It is the 10th of August today and I am so excited. My Hawaiian vacation's almost here! Come the 28th and I'll be flying all the way down to the Pacific and enjoy my cruise. Oh my God! After all the waiting and planning! It's almost here!
It's so nice to think about some great times anyway, not just your days at work. Because basically, that's what we, people, have been doing. Not that we particularly like working for assholes of bosses, but we just have to, to survive the American life!
Oh well, you gotta do what you gotta do. |
Why some people don't think |
Because they're idiots?
That would be the only explanation I can come up to. Human beings are supposed to be able to think, distinguish right from wrong. Every places I've been to, I've seen so many of this kind.
- People goes through the exit doors when they enter, and goes out through the entrance.
- They love to overtake. They love to be always the first in line.
- They sneeze in front of you without covering their mouths.
- Very impatient with everything.
- They love it free on everything.
Well, that was yesterday's experience. I sure am not looking forward for today's. I am just so sick of it! I wish I can talk to their brains or maybe, I can be a brain activator. That would be a great job! I could land a lot of clients by just banging their heads to think! I would love to do that! |
My employer pisses me off!!! |
I am talking about the company in general. Well, some managers do, but I used to be one and understand that if it's a company's policy, there's nothing you can do about it.
Anyways, I found out that the week of 8/12 till 8/19, I will only be working for 1, one, uno, day. Can you believe that? The thing that pisses me off more is that they never granted my wish to be full time, eventhough I asked for it for so many times now, and the fact that I know I deserve it.
I worked with this company for almost 2 years now. When they hired me the first time, I worked full time for like 7 1/2 months, a cashier for less than 4 months and a customer service manager for the rest. Until I got in an unfortunate situation where my working permit expired, and I had to stop for a while. INS sucks anyway, I am so tired of them, and I won't talk about them. In short, they screwed me up. INS didn't send me my renewed working permit in time. And I told my manager about that, too. He was so nonchalant about it. They told me I had at least 2 weeks to take care of it. Knowing that, I sure as hell thought I was okay!
My last day prior to my WP's expiration date, the personnel department called me up. It was about 4pm. They want me to produce a certain paper to extend my permit for a few weeks. And guess what, they want me to have it by 5pm that same freakin' day! I wanted to cry. And yes, I did. There is no way I could get that paper by 5pm so I gave up.
And then, the manager called me up and said he'd fix me up coz he needed a great employee like me. He wanted me back. So I was so excited.
Only to be disappointed again. They never make me full time ever since. They said they don't hire full time anymore. I should have known that! They screwed me up the first time, they'll screw me up again! And again...
So today, about that once a week sched that they have for me, they can have it! They said they're gonna fix that for me coz they need me....well, they'd better! There's no way I'm gonna show up and work 1 day a week! I just won't work at all!
I am very useful to their operation considering all the trainings they provided for me. I can actually run their freakin' store! But no way in hell, though. I want to work on the department I like and do a great job about it.
This company just never fails to piss me off! If it's not only a 5-minute drive from home, I'd be long gone from that God-forsaken place! |
Looking forward for a great time! |
Yeah, after all the shit at work, me and my husband will be going to Tampa for the Red Sox game, and to meet my in-laws.
We're going to party!
Well, not literally. We're just gonna have a great time, away from the craziness that we call "jobs". You know, the position you have in a company that makes you do things you don't like but you have to OR no paycheck every two weeks? Yes, that's what I am talking about.
Anyway, you won't be reading anything from me in a couple of days but I'll be back on Monday. I'm not sure if you'll miss me but I sure as hell am hoping.
Okay, till Monday, Guys!!! MWAHHH!!! |
This really cracked me up |
I was reading my friend cathy's blog in, and was laughing so hard. Cathy is a person who always has something funny to say, no matter busy she is. I am so happy to have a friend like her.
To Cathy - you never fail to crack me up!!!
BTW, this is it:
If only Adam and Eve were Filipinos, they won't commit the original sin. Why? They would ignore the fruit and instead eat the snake....
I might be shallow, but who cares! It just made me laugh for a long time. Just what I need in a busy day.
Thanks, Cath!!! Luv u! |
Quote, Unqoute |
I was resting and reading Reader's Digest last night. I like their quotable quotes section. You'll see there celebrities or famous people speak their minds and being quoted in doing so. Here's one that I like: "Inside of a ring or out, ain't nothing wrong with going down. It's staying that's wrong." - Muhammad Ali
A very wise man.
Waitress Found Her Stolen ID Through ID-ing a Patron |
I was just browsing around AOL when this story caught my attention. Yes, caught my attention more than Elizabeth Hurley's announcement of marriage.
A very weird coincidence but you read it right, a waitress found her stolen ID when she asked a customer her identification card to prove she was more than 21 years old. Stupid bitch that the identity thief was, she gave it to the waitress without probably thinking that KARMA is near. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Well, click here if you wanna read the entire story.
I gotta laugh at this, man. It shows that you have to pay your dues, if not now, soon. So if you do something wrong, don't expect you're gonna get away with it. Sooner or later, you gonna get caught. |
Why I feel so depressed every morning? |
I don't know. It's just every morning I wake up, I feel so low, very very low. Doesn't help that when I wake up, it's just me in the house, so quiet and the fact that lately, every morning has been so gloomy. Plus, I always have these weird dreams that although I know they're weird, I can't seem to remember what were they all about.
So most of the time, when I am alone, I sleep the entire morning so as not feel depressed and not think of depressing thoughts (got a lot!) I know it's not good coz there's a lot of things to do in the morning, right? But what can I do aside from just sleeping it through?
So far, the only redemption I know is to play some music, the songs that I burned from my laptop. It is kinda cool considering it's free, and they are my choice. No need to rewind or forward. It's very therapeutic for me...lifts my spirits up in a very depressing morning.
Oh well, just wondering if it's just me or what. Or am I going crazy? |
Name: isay
Home: Somewhere, Fl, United States
About Me: Trying to get online therapy for my deepest thoughts and emotions on certain issues that affect my life, as well as the society. But generally, yeah, I am a good and a beautiful person, hehehe...
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