I had a celebrity moment in the beach |
I had such a great time yesterday in the beach, although the tide was very high, and the water was bad, everything was great. Oooppsss..we're not forgetting the wrinkly and fat asses!
People are so funny. They walk back and forth, back and forth, displaying all the nasty things that they got. I am in no means discriminating anybody, for I have a flaw myself (not fat or fat, wrinkly ass), but goshdarnit! Don't flaunt it! Well, I admit I can be very inconfident and insecure, and being confident is the deal...but please, spare everyone! Don't add up to the eye sores in the world in that department.
Oh well, at one time yesterday in the beach, I was reading a magazine, while listening to my mp3...two old ladies came up to me. My husband saw them , I didn't...and he was shouting at me about something, well, I couldn't hear...I was listening to music, remember? As I found out, two old bitches were reading the frontpage of the magazine, and worse...they want a piece of it, too! Shoot! I should've just ignored them but the bitches weren't to be ignored! So, I ended up being nice and sharing the goddamn mag to them, about freakin' Ashlee Simpson having surgeries on her nose, lips, wherever, of all the things.
Anyway, I was thinking, aren't we allowed to have some privacy here? All of a sudden, I know how it feels to be a celebrity. It's probably so annoying having people ask for photos and autographs in the beach when all you wanna do is lay down and rest. |
Easy on Sunday Morning |
I have that "Easy" song in my mp3...Taylor Hicks' version. Kinda like it. Very appropriate for my Sunday today. I'm gonna take it easy, like Sunday morning.
We're going to the beach again! Got helluva lot of crap yesterday at work so we gotta relax and soak it up!
You better do it, too. Relax, I mean. Life needs it, as yourself.
Talkie later!
Mwahh! |
A ticket for meter violation |
How great is that? You go to the public library to get free stuff and then when you go back to your car, you got a ticket for a meter violation. And it's worth $22. Where in the hell is my coin purse when I needed it? Damn it!
I tell you, that sucks! They quoted in the ticket, too, that $7 of it will go to school's traffic whatever. Really? I haven't seen any changes in schools here in Florida. Schools here still suck, including the traffic situation. So I don't know what's going on. I wish they will not just say anything about giving money to anybody, so nobody will expect something. Since they're not obviously doing anything.
I was in the wrong, yes, but I am going to pay for it. Expensive way to learn a 25-minute mistake. Hopefully the money will go to the right place. |
The Gas Rage |
My God! Is this gonna get better or what? It's been like decades since I waited for these freakin' gas prices to go down! It seems like the gas is on enraged on something and wants to hit back!
Shoot! Somebody's gotta do something! All those idiot politicians...please forget your idiocity (dunno if there's such a word) and fix this shit! It better get better or we're gonna be in a lot of trouble.
The last time I went to the Filipino store(months ago), I asked for a special kind of bread that they make. We call it pandesal. The lady told me the gas is so expensive so they didn't make any. I was surprised --- what the hell has gas got to do with the bread? Did they actually put gas on the bread? Just joking. I knew what she meant...you know, too.
So, hell...when am I gonna get my bread, then? It better be soon or I'm gonna be really pissed! |
Got another zit |
It's true, no matter how I hard denying it, it's there, in my forehead - a big zit! The bad thing about my zits is that they give me headache, too, literally...when they choose my forehead as their home for a while, that is.
Thank God I am off today. |
Stupid people do during "No sales tax" programs |
It irks me when these things happen. But what can you do? Stupid people just do it. Because they are stupid and selfish and everything bad. Beware all of the people who do these, I wish you all the karma in the world. - Argue with cashiers in a department store about having tax on food, too. Reason? "I didn't see the sign saying,"NO SALES TAX FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES ONLY"." So, he assumed, everything has no sales tax. And he is very mad! Very, very, mad....when the cashier showed him the sign, THERE! In small letters it says "For School Supplies only..." He now smiles and says sorry...what an idiot!
- Return items included in the "No Sales Tax" program which they bought like 2 months ago and say they're not good. So they return them, and get back the amount of the item plus the tax that they paid for it 2 months ago. Hmmmm...very clever.
- Putting items in a wrong bucket to change the price and argue with the cashier and then the manager about being wrongfully priced. Bitch!
- Too busy in the store...too many people....maybe they will steal something? You bet your ass! Idiots steal on these days...
- ________________ - That's a slot for you to fill out. I know you have something to say.
Life's been so fast |
Gotta keep up!
Worse, when you are having a great time, it seems to be that way. And when you're down and really have a bad time, it seems like you're waiting forever for the day to end. Doesn't help when you're surrounded with clocks. Damn those things!
I guess, we just have to deal with it, aye??? Nothing else to do. |
Hungry in the middle of the night |
Damn, how I hate it when I wake up hungry in the middle of the night! Aren't you?
Or is it only me?
Hopefully it's not only me or I'm gonna me in trouble. |
Our neighbor's stolen truck is... |
...yes, stolen. I just found out yesterday that Joe, our neighbor, just a house away from us, was frantic and raving mad coz his truck was stolen. At about 5:30am yesterday.
I found out there's a history of break-ins in our neighborhood before, about 3 years ago. It seemed crazy to be happening, I thought, because this is really a nice community. But, hell, no, it did happen. They said, one time, a helicopter was all over our neighborhood, police cars scattered, to arrest a teenager, who is a daughter of an old lady, living here. About 2 houses away from ours. She was a a drug addict, twisted young little girl, connected with hoodlums who, they said, would be tipped by her about our neighbors' routine and cars. Well, she was caught and went to jail for that. For a while, people had the sense of security of her absense. No break-ins happened.
But a week ago, she came back. Why the in the hell should she come back? Sure enough, Joe's truck was stolen. Now, I am wondering who did it. Coincidence? I would say no. Our neighborhood is a very nice and quiet place. If something like this was committed, it's because it was well-planned. So, I hope they see through that bitch and send her away again. |
Who's your daddy now? |
Howdy guys! I had a great sleep today. I guess, it's because of the fact that I knew yesterday that my husband wasn't working today...didn't have to wake up in the middle of dawn.
So, he's off today and I am working at 2pm until 10pm...doesn't it suck? Everytime he's off, I work and vice versa. I have to frickin' ask my boss for some days to be with my husband! Thank God I am good with what I do and they just give it to me.
The Red Sox won yesterday so that's good. Yankees lost, better. Yankees is 2 1/2 games behind Red Sox. Toronto kicked ass last night!! I love the face of Mariano Rivera when Toronto got a homerun out of him to end the game. Hahahaha...who's your daddy now?
Hopefully we'll win again tonight! |
I love the Public Library! |
There's no place like the public library! It's incredibly great that I could forgive some snotty old staff.
It's there where we get DVDs, CDs, Books, Mags, etc.... They have a lot of stuff...and all for free!!! Can you believe that?
I am so excited because I grew up in the Philippines without this type of government service. You know what I mean? In order for you to watch movies, rent it or go to the movie theatre and it'll cost you an arm and a leg. But here, people enjoy so much free stuff. Public library, (as well as EBT and WIC), is one of them. All you have to do is have a spare time to go to any library location - but it's a hit or miss, though. Sometimes you go there and all they got are crappy movies or the one you're looking for was checked out by some jerk. Or better yet, a thousand rednecks are cramped inside. But, you don't have to pay any shit, though so that's a good bargain. Blockbuster is charging too much these days.
Anyway, yeah, just wanna share that with you. In this world today, you gotta make ways of saving without totally missing any new movies (yep, they also have a vast selection of new movies) or any bestselling books. And in the public library, a price of a gas is all I have to pay! |
It's getting so damn hot! |
Whewww!!! I need some air! It's been so hot, lately.
I heard there's been a heatwave going on. I could tell it's a different kind of heat coz of the sweat that's been literally dripping from my armpits. I can't believe the intensity! Yesterday, we were thinking of running (we're getting fat in here) in the park after work, but thought against it when I realized how fucking hot it was. I couldn't make it coz I am the type of person who sweats so much and when I do, it's not good. Not good at all.
So, what are we gonna do about this? I sure don't know!!! Aside from turning the AC on in the house and car, that's about it. But that doesn't help our budget, either! In life today, there's always something for everybody to worry about. It never stops.
If it stops for you, let me know. |
Some people just never cease to amaze me |
This world is getting crazier every second of everyday. People don't help, either.
I don't even wanna elaborate on this but just observe the people around you. I'll mention some examples and let's see if these things happened to you.
- In a grocery store, when you shop, how many people put their carts in the middle of the aisle, blocking everyone but themselves?
- In a coffee shop or some restaurants, when you have to fall in line, how many people do you see who can't make up their minds on what they want to buy and hold everybody up, thus, causing a very long line? Or worse, they want to have taste of everything the store can offer?
- On the road, how many people do you see reading books, or talking to the phone while driving?
Do I need to continue? I guess not. You see the picture. If it's not YOU that I am talking about, that is. I am sure if it is YOU that I am talking about, you wouldn't even fucking know. These people are so fucking full of themselves and they're so totally unreal! WAKE THE FUCK UP! Everyday in my life, I seem to be unlucky enough to encounter these type of people. So ridiculously unbelievable!!! And I am not trying to be funny, either. Our world is getting crazy, as I said. Please, don't add up to it. |
Getting Up Everyday |
I tell you, everyday I get up in the morning is like a torture to me lately. And I am not a lazy person. Nor am I pregnant.
Thinking about this, it dawned on me that there are things in my life at this point in time that really get to me and depress me so much, even just to think of them. STRESS.
Primarily, my job. Everyday is like hell in there! You deal with stupid people, both customers and co-workers, striving not to be stupid, too, as you go along dealing with them. I really have to exert extra effort for that. Freakin' extra effort just for that. And another extra for the job itself.
Secondarily, I would say, I kinda miss my family. I mean, my husband and I are living here in Florida, but my family is in the Philippines. I get so frustrated almost every time I think about plans on bringing them here to live with us, if not, close by. It's been more than 2 years since the last time I saw them.
Thirdly, our vacation to Hawaii is getting closer and closer so, it adds up to the frustration. Not the trip itself...Me and my husband really need it...but the anticipation...and the fact that the days laltely, are surprisingly, getting a little bit slower than it used to be.
So, what do you think? Getting up everyday? Is it only me? |
Dealing with puke |
You can never believe how a an anticipated good day turns to bad in just a matter of hours.
I slept late last night, with plans of going to the beach early with my husband. It's Sunday, of course! So I was looking forward to it, although we have to stay in the beach not more than 3 hours coz I have to work 5pm-10pm. Anyway, as far as I can remember last night, I was feeling ok, with a slight headache, nothing Advil can't take away.
And then, this morning, I woke up sick. WTF? Where did puking come from? Puking and headache -- bad combo. But as not to disappoint anybody, We pushed through with our plans to go to the beach. And yeah, of course, I didn't feel better! What I needed was a rest at home. So head home early, hoping to feel better and then go to work. I don't wanna miss work! No matter how stupid the sched is, I still got responsibilities. But, as soon as we arrived home, I puked so bad that my husband took everything in his own hands and called my employer saying I'm not working. I feel bad but, what can you do?
Right now, I'm in between writing my blog and puking. Gross? Well, deal with it! Some things in life we have to deal with no matter how gross the matter is.
Well, gotta go. Husband's glaring at me. Supposed to be in bed, resting. |
About You, Me and Dupree |
I have a headache again. I don't know what's going on but it sucks. Yesterday, I bit my lip the third time, the same exact place, and now, it's swollen. How could it not? All those 3 times that I bit it, I tasted blood. And it wasn't a good taste, either. What a screw up!!!
As I mentioned yesterday, we went to the movies. We went earlier than 4pm as we are cheap bastards, hehehe...just wanna save money. You see, you pay less before 4pm and pay way more after that. Stupid but hey, they're just trying to make a living.
So we watched You, Me and Dupree. Honestly, I didn't like it too much. I was hoping it was a riot. But no. All I could remember doing was half-laughing every after 15 minutes. 15! It's not a comedy in my standards! Owen was funny but yes, he's the only one. Nobody else. And it was very disappointing. Well, because sometimes he wasn't funny, too.
So, I was disappointed but I still like Owen. But you know how it feels when you go to the movies, pay for the tickets, buy popcorns and drinks and then, when you go home, you don;t even wanna talk about the movie. You feel like you were ripped off!!! Which was what I felt. So, think twice before you watch it.
And, The Little Man? Forget it. They said it sucked! |
Freakin' Dunkin |
I had a headache this morning. Thanks for Mr. Advil - he took it away, fast...
Anyway, today's a good day coz me and my hubby are both off from work...Woohoooo! So we'll be doing a lot of things. Actually, we already did a bunch of things. I picked up my million-dollar paycheck (I wish!), as well as grocery shop for some stuff we ran out of. My darling husband, on the other hand, went to Dunkin' Donuts and did us both a favor by buying 2 cups of coffee. But I'm still pissed with the coffee, though. The freakin' Dunkin' Donuts guy didn't put sugar in any of the cups! Just when I thought we're having a great day, right? The lazy bastard didn't do his job! I mean, how hard could it be? If you do it everyday, why, of all the things, forget putting in some freakin' sugar?
Oh well, what can you do? Lazy and incompentent people just irk me so much. But today, I'll try not to think about them and just have fun in my day off.
We'll probably watch a movie this afternoon...we're trying to choose between You, Me and Dupree and The Little Man ( not sure if the title is correct). I'm sure we'll figure it out before we go.
For now, hasta la vista, baby!!! |
I am bummed!!! |
I am so bummed and disappointed today!!!
I just finished taking exams for a company who hires at home calling agents. I passed the initial exams and when I was almost done, it said failed.... I tried twice, too!!! I can't believe I failed considering I took notes and read carefully all the modules to review. At dawn, too!!! When everybody's asleep and it's so quiet...I was so prepared for it and I don't know what happened. I was confident that I answered all questions correctly if not, then maybe 3 errors the most (on which I was a little bit doubtful) but the rest, it was 100% certainty.
Dang it! I was hoping to be able to start taking calls by tomorrow and make money! Now, I have to wait another 6 months to be able to take those stupid exams again! Screw them, anyway! |
5 Ridiculous Places You Can't Smoke |
I was reading The Reader's Digest this morning and came across a topic on smoking. It features the ridiculous places you can not smoke.
I don't actually smoke but it is kind of interesting to know that there are places implement punishments to those who do. I thought it only happens in my hometown Davao City, Philippines, wherein you can't smoke publicly. Or risk arrest, fine or probably prison. The mayor there figured if you want to kill yourself by smoking, do not involve others (second-degree smoking). You can smoke in your house, though. Which is actually cool, for me.
Anyways, here it is. The 5 Ridiculous Places You Can't Smoke.
- State prison, Maine. A cigarette fetches $10 on the black market.
- Your yard, Montgomery County, Md. If smoke wafts onto your neighbor's property, you face a $750 fine.
- Bars, Eugene, Ore. Following California's lead, this city proclaimed "last call" for all who thought a drink and smoke went hand and hand.
- Bowling alleys, Putnam County, NY. The ban affects exactly one establishment.
- Your co-op, 180 West End Ave., NYC. If new owners light up, the board will bott 'em.
So there it is! Be sure to know where you are before lighting your cigs!!! Source: Reader's Digest; Aug 2002; page 30 |
Grumpy Old People |
I always have a thing with these grumpy old people. I don't want to be rude but this is one of those realities that needed to be said.
Everyday, I encounter old people. And most of them, never smile or you see them arguing with somebody, cursing at them. It seems to me that these type of old people are trying to take advantage of their being old that way. I say, why waste you remaining days being to nasty? Don't you want to go to heaven peacefully? Don't you want to have friends instead of enemies?Wouldn't it be nicer if people will remember you as "that sweet old lady or man" than "that old grumpy witch or sonofabitch"?
These people are supposed to give respect to others, as an example to the younger generation. I am not saying that ALL old people are grumpy and nasty. MOST of them, but not all.
Those who are very sweet and nice, bless your hearts! I admire you.
Those who are nasty and grumpy, I am sorry but you gotta take care of yourself physically and spiritually. There might not be enough time for you, so start NOW. And make a big difference in this crazy, angry world. |
Being calm about everything |
The best thing I learned yesterday at work, was to be calm about everything, in all occassions. I dealt with so much shit with customers and they were not good. Customers have this concept that they are right at all times. But that's ridiculous! Even a kid can say that.
Anyway, when you work in retail, you encounter people who want almost everything for free. Which is not right and just a wishful thinking. So, having them cursing you and the company you work for is a norm. I used to freak out before and allow those creeps ruin my day at work as well as at home. And it sucks. My husband and friends say that I am too sensitive. And I agree. It doesn't mean I like it, though. A sensitive person, for me, is a weak person.
And I am not.
Well, let's say, I am still improving myself on that department. At work, I try to become tough and almost blank my face out when I deal with customers, especially those crazy ones.
Again, the important thing I found out is that you have to be calm in dealing with these things. That way, you will gain respect from the customers. When they see you not freaking out, they know that they can't just intimidate you and favor their demands. And most importantly, when you are calm, you will see the situation clearly and decide by your own judgment, not by the customers or even your co-workers. |
The devil Wears Prada was great!!!! |
I am so glad that I chose to watch The Devil Wears Prada over The Pirates of the Carribean. It was such an inspiring, funny,emotional and realistic movie that was carried out perfectly by the performers, especially Meryl Streep. She's an awesome actress. I thought she looked like Glen Close as Cruella Devil but Goddamnit! She was that and all, too!!! Being a bitch and a very caring and protective mother was a great role that she portrayed. Anne Hathaway, of course, was perfect as a goofy and unfashionable yet ambitious girl, with an equally goofy and unfashionable yet handsome boyfriend. The boyfriend was good too. I love the shots, too. Cinematography was great and the clothes!!! Oh my!!!
I really think that you guys should watch. I probably won't watch Pirates since I read a lot of bad reviews. I always am very picky with movies because of how expensive they are right now. And plus the fact that I don't have time to waste on wastes, if you know what I mean. |
I'm off today! |
Yeah, I am and boy, don't I need it! I have been working like a dog recently. So today, I'm going to relax and take it easy. My husband is off to so we're going to watch the Devil wears Prada movie. We heard so much good reviews about it so I think it would be worth it to chill out and watch a good movie, popcorn and a drink.
So guys, till tomorrow! Hope you guys have a great day today. |
Hand me the money! |
I had a weird encounter yesterday at work. I am a customer service manager/associate in superstore I'm sure everyone of you will recognize if I mention the name, which I won't. Sorry.
Anyway, everyday, I deal with mostly the impossibly weirdest and stupidest people in the entire universe. But the one I am going to share with you, which happened yesterday, is somewhat custom-based (so they said), which I was unaware of.
A customer was returning one item to the customer service desk, and she shoved her entire cartful of groceries in the counter, which was very small, by the way. It was designed like that to cater only to returns and exchange and all that crap, not for checking out items. We have registers for those. If there's only less than 10 items, I wouldn't mind. But this bitch had a cart full of shit.
Anyway, I pointed to her these facts and she got angry at me, and refuses to help me out bagging her shit. So I did it. I was so close to stabbing her. BTW, all these time this was happening, she was smooching with her boyfriend. Also a loser. And then, just when I thought I'm gonna get rid of her, I gave her her receipt and change. When I said that, noone seemed to hear me, as I said, they were too busy eating each other. So, I put the change on the counter, no other intentions of disrespect on my part. And then, I bagged all her shit since she refused to help me out.
And then, I thanked her and she never moved or anything. Just stared at me and the change. I'm like, what now? And then the loser of a bf took the change, gave it back to me and then told me to put the change in the bitch's hand. I didn't know what the fuck that was all about!!! So I did what I was told, all along saying, "I am sorry for my ignorance, ma'am and thank you so much. Both of you have been a great help to me." That being said to her, I just left and told everyone I worked with that I was going to take my break coz I was just an inch away from exploding. God damn it!!!
Okay, I might be ignorant on some things, but God damn it, who is not? I asked my co-worker and asked her about what happened and she said some people take offense in just putting the change in the counter. You have to hand it to them. But under the circumstances, I was left with no choice. There should be an exception to that rule. But then again, idiots don't think like that. I am glad I am not one of them. |
The Headache in July 4th |
I know I am a day late but I was too tired yesterday to do anything with my laptop. I worked all the way to 11pm last night. I missed whatever there is to miss. Fireworks and such, although I am not a fan of fireworks. Back home, too many fingers were blown, as well as lives because of those. I am not phobic though. I just don't enjoy them that much like when people see them, they oooohhh and aaahhh and scream, whatever.
Anyway, during this particular holiday, I always have a headache. Not literally all the time, but mostly headachingly irritated with our neighbors. It just so happens that we belong to a neighborhood who are too nice to each other they want you to invite them into your lives, as well.
I mean, what the fuck? A few days before July 4th, they've been asking for donations to buy some fireworks and finance the party that they're gonna be having in the neighborhood. And everyday since they've been giving those flyers (sticking it to your door), they never stop reminding us. That really pissed me more than anything. Isn't a donation supposed to be voluntary? Why do they have to remind us all the time. Can't they take a hint? I just can't believe that these people, so caught up with themselves, didn't even think that WE MAY NEED DONATIONS, TOO! Damn it!
BTW, I only went to these street parties that they throw in once. So far, I missed 2. I have a job so, that should be taken into consideration. As well as my husband. They've been giving us these weird looks but who cares? You can't please everybody else. The most important thing that I learned living here in America is that never care about what others think on what you do. As well as mind your own business, right? |
Fun under the Sun |
Well, there was actually NO SUN yesterday. My husband and I went to the beach although it was cloudy. We wanted to get a tan before we go to Hawaii in August. But considering there's no sun we didn't really stayed that long. We're trying again some time when we're off of work.
Though we didn't get the sun that we wanted, I still had a great time. I like to be in the beach. It relaxes me so much. The breeze, water, everything! Also, I see many people around me doing different things.
Fat people wearing really skimpy swimsuits - they never cease to amaze me! Kids playing around - Oh boy! They are very cute! Building sand castles and stuff. Families putting up their tents for a private celebration, which I think is really weird...a tent in the beach? What the heck? I also saw a lady writing down stuff and then put them in an envelope then sealed it. Doing bills in the beach???? Hmmm....why not?
Anyway, these things really remind me of home. Going to the beach is like a very important family gathering that even the furthest relative from you will come over and attend whatever the celebration is. And the best part of all is the FOOD. Oh my, lots of them, too! We always eat using our hands instead of spoons and forks. To add some personal touch to it, I guess... |
Kate Bosworth not Lois Lane! |
My husband and I watched Superman and it was great. Brandon Rouch gave justice to Clark but I am not sure about Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane. It's nothing against her acting. She's good. It was just she's too beautiful for the movie. It's so hard to relate to her as the "human" Lois Lane, lusted for by the Superman. I would have love it if they put on a simple yet good-looking chick. Not overly so that even when she was tossed all over the plane but at the end of that scene, she looked as if nothing happened (that's what happened to Kate Bosworth). Whatever. Overall, anyway, the movie was great. You should watch it. |
Name: isay
Home: Somewhere, Fl, United States
About Me: Trying to get online therapy for my deepest thoughts and emotions on certain issues that affect my life, as well as the society. But generally, yeah, I am a good and a beautiful person, hehehe...
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